Learning the hard way
Pam Husband did everything she could to avoid valve replacement surgery. Then she ran out of time.
Second valve, second chance
More than 20 years after open-heart surgery to treat aortic stenosis, Len Parry’s valve was failing. At 91, what options would he have?
“I’m coming through this.”
Rena was 58 when she learned that she had lived her whole life with a congenital heart defect — a bicuspid aortic valve. Determination and a positive attitude helped her face an uncertain future and eventual open-heart surgery.
“I always believe in hope”
Len never gave up hope. Cancer treatment had left his faulty aortic valve with further damage, and surgery to replace the valve was considered risky.
Facing a second valve replacement
Shirley had already been through one valve replacement. Now, in her 80s, that valve was failing. Would a transcatheter procedure be right for her?
“It was my heart valve all along”
Kathy Howes couldn’t get an explanation for her dizziness, fainting and racing heartbeats — until a test revealed she needed urgent valve surgery.
“A stethoscope check can save lives”
After he was diagnosed with valve disease, Dave Smith urges his friends to ask their doctors for a stethoscope check.
“I was lucky to be diagnosed early”
An Ironman participant, Fabio had to take a break from sport because he needed heart surgery but it didn't take him long to get back in the race.
“It is critical to be your own advocate”
Ruth had open heart surgery at age nine, then again almost 50 years later. She shares a lifetime’s experience with valve disease.
“It turned out I had severe aortic stenosis”
John Stott learned his heart condition needed urgent treatment. Ten weeks post-surgery he was back at work and had a new perspective on life.